About Us...

My husband and I were married in 2003. Like most couples, we had a very detailed, specific, goal-oriented plan. As many of you know, our plan often does not always coincide with what the universe has in store for us. I would have laughed and disagreed with you if you had told me that I would be milking goats and making all-natural bath products four years ago. However, that is what we are doing.
It has been a long and often challenging journey, but finally, we are where I feel we are meant to be. We are blessed to be rearing our daughter on the farm where my father grew up. Although we had to lose him to be here, I believe this is what he wanted and played a role in our being here. We are all animal lovers. We have chickens, ducks, and geese we inherited with the farm. Of course, we also have dogs. We lost our Walter, the dude with 'tude, in July of 2019. He was my dad's dog, and it broke my heart to lose another piece of my dad. However, we still have Chubs, our devoted and loyal friend. We've also added our "Big Boy" to our family. He is an adopted Mastiff/Pitbull mix. He is an absolute delight and a protective and loyal friend. We have two cats: Miss Mittens, the kitten with no mittens, and Jack the Pumpkin King. Of course, one can't forget my husband's passion; his pasture pigs. Edna and Nueve are the heritage Hereford sows. There are also the golden girls, Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose, the Large Black Sows, and Charlotte and Cleatus. The last two do not have much pedigree, but they make up for what they lack in lineage in personality and productivity.
I wish I had an interesting tale to tell of how I got into soap making. The truth is, I got goats. As with most things in my life, it just happened. It all began with my wish for a milk cow. I had romantic dreams of a friendly, loving dairy cow who would happily contribute her milk for our well-being. This cow would never kick, would never be a hindrance on an active lifestyle, and bring us nothing but joy...and milk. My husband, the realist of the pair, teasingly told me if I could milk a goat twice a day, every day, for a year, we would discuss a cow. He found Nubian does, in milk, for sale by a local breeder. He surprisingly offered to take me to look at them. Well, revised Reader's Digest version, I fell in love with these friendly, social, animated creatures, and we came home with two, Peanut Butter Cup(a.k.a. My Sweet Baboo) and Sweet Pea(a.k.a Baby). Baboo was making milk, and the baby was, well, a baby. At first, we made ice cream a lot. One can only make and eat so much ice cream. I thought I would try my hand at making cheese, but I don't really like cheese. So, I found a recipe for goat's milk soap. I went to the local health food store and purchased my organic oils, butter, and essential oils. I went to the local hardware and purchased lye, for which you have to sign your life away, and tentatively tried to make soap. It went surprisingly well! I had never used handmade all-natural soap before, but what a difference! It was so creamy and moisturizing. It didn't leave any residue behind, and it just felt good. My family tried it, my uncles tried it, my friends tried it, and the wonderful lady at the health food store tried it, and surprisingly, they all loved it too.
We have expanded our herd, we now have twenty-five goats, and I have expanded my goat's milk products. I now enjoy making fresh goat's milk moisturizers and a wide array of soaps for different purposes. I am a firm believer that people should always have options. I enjoy providing the option of locally sourced, handmade, all-natural products. I enjoy working with others like me, who make things with care and integrity. I enjoy creating helpful, useful, and beautiful things to improve someone's life or well-being. I really enjoy working with my family. My daughter, Jordan, has created a kid's line of fun, natural soaps. She is also my marketing director and CEO of sales. My husband, Eric, is my support team, milkmaid, soap stamper, label maker, soaping partner, and all-around good guy. None of this would be possible without the love, support, and help of these wonderful people.
That is a glimpse of our story. I truly hope you enjoyed reading it, and I genuinely hope you try and love my products.