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Writer's pictureTina

My darling girl when she was little, and things were easy.

As we move into the young adult years with our daughter, I see life lessons on the horizon for both her and myself. Growing up is hard. I have observed that the human condition remains the same throughout the generations. It is the setting that changes. I see my daughter struggling with many of the same issues I faced as a young adult: who am I, who will I become, what is important to me, who is essential to me, how do I fit into this life, what am I supposed to do? It's all eerily familiar. However, the world she navigates is much more complex and laid with boobie traps and guerilla warfare than the world I navigated. Unlike me, she faces challenges with grace, bravery, and an innate sense of self I did not possess until much later.

Doing the right thing is HARD; the older she gets, the more complex the choices and scenarios become. It is so much more than asking the new kid if they want to sit at your lunch table or being respectful when you feel disrespected. It is facing situations that nobody should face, knowing that the outcome might not be desired. She faces much more difficult challenges at her age than I ever did. I take my position as her role model very seriously. Yes, I continue to curse like a sailor, create a litany of foul names for the ass hat who cuts me off in traffic, and sing inappropriate songs to make myself giggle, but the big stuff, I try to be on my A-game. I try to do my best and follow my instincts for what is right. I also communicate to her my struggles because doing what is right is hard, and sometimes I feel uncomfortable while doing so, but in the end, I need her to know that I did what I did because it is the right thing to do. I have always taken a very real approach to parenting. I never tried to create the facade that I am perfect and have it all figured out. Instead, I take the attitude that we will figure out this thing called life together. I might not be perfect, but I act from my heart and do my best.

Watching her dip her toes into the sea of dating and the opposite sex has, frightening. She has had her ups and downs with boys. Some boys have been people whom I imagined her with, and others...well, not so much. Although I have needed to be talked down on several different occasions, I have firmly believed that she is an intelligent young woman and that, in the end, it will all be okay. To date, she has not let me down. She may have given me a few grey hairs, but I am proud of her choices. Thankfully, she seems to have leveled off on the boy thing. She looks for authentic qualities in a partner and not just superficial ones. She has always done a superior job choosing friends, and I feel cautiously confident she will choose a boy with the same discerning attitude with which she chooses friends.

Navigating the social world of teenagers has always been tumultuous. However, today's teens face the real world and the digital world. Thank God cell phones were not a thing when I was a kid. My parents would have put me in a convent if they knew half of the shenanigans I got into. Not only are there no secrets, but one's mistake on a random Saturday night could follow one around for the rest of one's life. It's not child's play. There are so many levels of concern surrounding the digital age: bullying, sexting, online predators, catfishing, fake accounts, and add chats that are created exclusively to exclude one, and it is a social nightmare. The digital thing makes it very easy for people to be cruel. There is the feeling that one is wearing armor while hiding behind a keyboard. What one would never say to one's face suddenly becomes very easy behind a keyboard. I like to call it texting titanium balls. However, thankfully, my girl seems to have a level of "don't give a f#ck" that impresses even her dad. She has no issue identifying and walking away from a toxic situation. She makes me very proud.

I find myself struggling to let her handle difficult things without interfering. It's hard as a mom not to go into attack mode when some "less-than-kind person" is being mean to my baby. (It took me four tries and five Google searches to clean that up.) I also find it challenging to keep my attitudes and opinions to myself. Shockingly, I have strong opinions and am not afraid to voice them regarding the people I love...said with complete sarcasm. However, I know she has to walk her path, forge her way, make choices, and deal with the consequences to grow, mature, and become who she is meant to be. It's just so hard to go from the main protagonist in her life to a supporting character. Sigh.

I miss the days when she would come home outraged because someone said something mildly critical about her artwork, she had to sit with a boy at lunch instead of her best friend, or she was annoyed about not being able to finish crossing the monkey bars at recess. Yes, those were monumental at the time, but they were certainly easier than what we face today.

On this lovely, seasonal November day, stay safe and be smart. If you have little ones, embrace it for as long as it lasts (and that's not long enough). If you have older children, try to meet them where they are, set a good example, be real, and appreciate who they become because, honestly, it is a gift to watch them grow. Oh, and wash your hands. Parenting is dirty work.

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Happy Tuesday, dear reader. Today, the spotlight is on our unscented line of products. Although it doesn't feel like November in Southwestern Pennsylvania, it is indeed. I am running around in short sleeves, and I see the younger crowd wearing shorts. These warm temperatures are odd for this late in the year. Despite the unseasonably warm temperatures, we all know the weather change is approaching. If, like me, you feel the changes in the weather with every fiber of your being, you know that soon, the air will make your skin dry, itchy, and uncomfortable. After an accurate diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis several years ago, I can feel the changes in my body occurring with the change of season. A flare for me involves swelling of my joints, stiff, painful joints, and inflammation of the tendons all through my body. I also develop psoriatic lesions on my scalp, ears, and sometimes my lips, and dry, scaly patches on my eyelids. It's not the most pleasant experience, but it could be far worse.

My considerate and kind-hearted bib overall-wearing buddy decided now would be a great time to offer our unscented products on special for our soap family, who experience issues. This week, we are offering all our unscented 4.5-ounce bars and unscented moisturizer at a discount. The discount includes our Simply Goat's Milk, Goat's and Oats, Simply Silk, Simply Yo-Goat, and Unscented moisturizer. These simple, pure, and luxurious bars offer something different to help alleviate dry, itchy skin.

Simply Goat's Milk soap is our most uncomplicated, purest soap. It has the fewest ingredients and is for those who appreciate simplicity. Our Goat's and Oats bar is for those who enjoy the simplicity and colloidal oatmeal's pure, natural exfoliation and moisturizing properties. Simply Silk adds a bit of luxury to an unscented bar. We use cruelty-free Tussah silk fibers to create a rich, creamy, silky lather that is great for dry skin. Last but not least, we offer our Simply Yo-Goat bar. I make an all-natural, simplistic yogurt from the milk of my well-loved ladies and add it to our original formulation. The yogurt doesn't taste good, but it works wonders in soap. Simply Yo-Goat is my favorite unscented bar. I love the rich, thick lather and the moisturized feeling of my skin after I use it. I might be a bit biased because it was a process to create a rich, thick yogurt, but I love this bar.

I like to follow my shower routine with a good dose of unscented moisturizer. I have not had tight, dry, itchy skin since I began making soap. When I have a flare, I soak in a tub filled with warm water, a half-gallon of fresh, raw milk, and some Epsom salts. If my scalp is affected, I lay with my head in the water. One bib-overall-wearing jokester says I look like an alligator laying in wait. Sigh. I can't even take a bath in privacy without his smart-a$$ commentary. This dear reader, is where you sympathize with me and don't laugh at his rude jokes. However, I digress. Our unscented products offer me a lot of relief from the skin issues I face.

This week, exclusively on the website, save 25% on all unscented 4.5-ounce bars and the unscented moisturizer. No promo code is needed for the weekly special. The discount will be applied at checkout—all orders of fifty dollars or more (after the discount is applied) ship for free. Now is the perfect time to stock up on a favorite, try something new, or purchase an affordable gift. It's hard to believe with the warm weather, but it is indeed gift-giving season.

On this unseasonably warm day, stay safe, be smart, enjoy the savings, care for your skin, and keep washing your hands.

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Writer's pictureTina

Something weird is happening with my chicken flock. I ordered twenty chicks in early April. They were delivered in late April. They have just begun to lay eggs. Each morning, I go out, and the cutest little eggs are waiting for me in the laying boxes. Don't get me wrong, my new chickens are crazy. I have never seen such flighty, scattered birds in all my life. However, if they lay eggs, they can be as crazy as they like. It is an odd time for them to begin laying eggs. My older hens have all been molting or blowing their feathers for the year. I'm unsure why they do this and how they benefit from losing their feathers, but it seems like a bad time of year to lose one's protection against the cold.

Even stranger and more disturbing is I have lost five chickens in the last two weeks. It is not my older girls who are dying of old age. My new, young chickens are dying suddenly and seemingly without cause. One passed away in the yard in the middle of the day. She had no marks on her. There were no signs of attack. She did not demonstrate any symptoms or signs of illness. She just sat down in front of the coop and died. In the last two weeks, I have found four hens dead in the coop in the morning when I open the doors and feed them. These girls also sat down, tucked their little heads under their wings, and passed away. If they were not so still, I would assume they were sleeping; they look peaceful and natural.

Unfortunately, our area lacks a poultry veterinarian, so I don't know where to seek answers or help. I am considering calling our extension office to inquire about my poultry care options. I'm not sure they can offer me any insight, but it's worth a try. My girls and Romeo have always been healthy and robust. They are free-range chickens, so they run around the farm taking dust baths, eating plants and bugs, and exploring a relatively large area, as all chickens should. I feed them a high-quality laying mash, offer oyster shells for calcium, and add vitamins to their water monthly to boost them. I have done some research online but have not been able to identify any issues. The only difference in their diet is they are eating the pumpkins I have put out for decoration. The pumpkins come from quality local growers and are not covered in pesticides. I can't make heads or tails of it unless they are eating a poisonous plant. If that is the case, I have no idea how to identify what they have eaten or from where. The internet sites I have used for research say most chickens innately avoid poisonous plants. Sigh...

Each morning I go to the coop, I hold my breath in anticipation that another one of my fat-bottomed girls will be dead on the floor. I lost two this week, and I consider five birds to be a considerable loss. I hope there is not some illness or disease being spread. I am genuinely flummoxed at the loss of so many young birds in a short time. If anyone has any poultry experience, I would appreciate any insight or advice. As a preventative measure, I clean the coop, disinfect the water bowls and feed dishes, and add a bonus dose of vitamins to their water. I don't know what else to do to help them. It is indeed a weird situation.

On this seasonably chilly day, stay safe, be smart, and keep washing your hands. If you know anything about chickens, I would appreciate your insight.

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