Welcome to the last Friday of February, my dear reader. March first is the official meteorological first day of spring, and I welcome it with open arms. The Bean has been home from school with round two of Flu A all week. This one was a doozie; I haven't been this worried about my daughter since she was a toddler hospitalized with pneumonia. Although we saw the pediatrician on the first day of the infection and got Tamiflu to help shorten the time and lessen the severity of the illness, it was a miserable week.
Since we are still in the throes of flu season, I thought I would share a few things I do to help keep my child comfortable when she is sick with a cold or the flu. These practices do not replace a doctor's care; I am not claiming they cure the flu. They are simply small things that I do to comfort my child when she is miserable. If you or someone you love displays flu symptoms, I encourage you to see a doctor as soon as possible to ensure the illness does not exacerbate chronic conditions such as asthma.
Doctors tell us that drinking fluids is the most critical action during any illness. Our family is a water drinking family. I keep miniature cans of ginger ale and Sprite on hand in case someone has an upset stomach, but very rarely do we have anything in the house to drink besides water, coffee, and tea. When one of us is sick, I make a big pot of chicken noodle soup and keep it on hand for the duration of the illness. Soup is an easy way to include extra hydration for someone who doesn't feel like eating or drinking. It's warm, comforting, and provides essential nutrients the ailing body needs. I make a strong broth loaded with onions, celery, garlic, and thyme. Onions help clear the congestion, garlic boosts the immune system, and thyme adds flavor without salt. You can search my blog posts for my recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup if you don't have a favorite recipe.
Along with soup, I also advocate strong black tea. Black tea is a warming, gentle drink I crave when I don't feel well. I assume this is part of my English and Welsh heritage and that my parents were tea drinkers when I was a child. To me, tea is comfort. There is scientific proof that tea helps with illnesses. Tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatories that help the body fight infection. A nice mug of strong black tea with raw honey makes one feel better when one has a cold.
My little bean, who is not so little anymore, has developed a taste for pineapple. On Monday, after taking The Bean to the pediatrician, I went to the grocery store and picked up a fresh pineapple and pineapple juice for her to eat and drink. Pineapple is a good source for vitamin C and is believed to help thin mucus. I made The Bean a fresh pineapple drink with lemon juice, ginger, cinnamon, a touch of honey, and snuck in a bit of turmeric. I will share this recipe at the end of my post. It was a simple, delicious drink that seemed to thin the mucus, ease her coughing, and taste light and refreshing.
One last homeopathic remedy I will share with you is aromatherapy. I am a firm believer in natural practices in conjunction with traditional medicine. I make a deconstructed shower steamer when we suffer from congestion due to illness or allergies. You can purchase cute little shaped shower steamers with various aromatherapeutic qualities such as calming, invigorating, focusing, and clearing. However, if you don't have any on hand, you can create your own simple aromatherapeutic shower steamers right in your kitchen. I take a half cup of baking soda, add a tablespoon of citric acid, and a blend of rosemary, eucalyptus, and tea tree essential oils, usually a half teaspoon, I like it strong. I sprinkle this mixture on the bottom of my shower away from the direct water stream, and allow the steam and essential oils to open up passageways. It helps to clear the sinuses, and eases inflamed bronchial tubes. It also makes the whole house smell wonderful. You could add this blend to a steam diffuser or a few drops in bath water, which also helps. We also turn to water when we are sick. Nothing makes one feel better than a nice warm bath or a steamy hot shower when one doesn't feel well.
Hopefully, these practices will help you and your loved ones feel a little better if they are unlucky enough to catch this God-forsaken flu. I will close with the recipe for the pineapple drink I made for The Bean. I have found recipes that include garlic, and cayenne, but those ingredients are unacceptable to my bean. I hope you all stay healthy, but if you get sick, I hope this helps comfort you.
Pineapple Cold and Flu Drink
-One fresh pineapple, peeled, and cubed
-3/4 Cup fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
-2 Lemons, peeled and seeded
-2 Tbls. Raw Honey
-1 tsp. Cinnamon
-1/4 tsp. Turmeric
-Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender. Blend until pulverized and thick like a smoothie.
-Pour contents into a fine mesh sieve lined with cheesecloth over a bowl.
-Squeeze all the juice from the pulp.
-Pour the juice into a glass pitcher and refrigerate for at least two hours.
-Serve cold and frequently throughout the day.
The Bean said she felt this drink helped to thin her mucus and ease her cough. She drank almost the whole pitcher in one day. I would not keep this drink longer than forty-eight hours. It is a delicious and refreshing drink that helps keep one hydrated and hopefully, has some healing qualities. If nothing else, it is a tasty way to stay hydrated.
On this gray, overcast Friday, stay safe, be smart, use natural remedies in conjunction with traditional medicine, and keep washing your hands. Hand washing is the easiest practice to combat germs.