Well, dear reader, it is the day before Christmas Eve. My weekend was a blur of activity. The artificial tree is up, decorated, and annoyingly symmetrical; it's too perfect. The wreath is on the door. The stockings are hung by the chimney with a bit of hostility and a let's get this done attitude. The gifts are wrapped and under the tree. Santa Amazon will deliver The Bean's "Santa" gifts on Tuesday. The steaks, shrimp, and crab legs have been purchased and are ready for our Christmas Eve feast. Christmas movies have been viewed. The tree has been slept under. Everything is completed and prepared for the half hour it will take to open the gifts at 5:00 a.m. on Christmas morning. Sigh.
Online orders have slowed to a trickle. The flood that began in late October has now slowed to a manageable stream The Bibbed Wonder can handle alone. I have been running around like a mad woman for the past week, making holiday preparations. We are a good team. He holds down the fort with the animals and the studio while I make a strong effort to prepare everything not farm and business-related for the holidays. We have decided we are greatly looking forward to December 26th. On December 26th, all the hubbub and chaos will be over, things will be blissfully quiet, and we can bask in the glory of the holiday season that is now behind us. It is definitely something to look forward to.
Don't get me wrong—I am not feeling particularly Scroog-y this year. There has been a lot of hustle and bustle for a very short celebration. Amongst all the holiday preparations, I have been able to wrangle The Bean into cleaning her room and helping me clean the house. I giggle and tell her, "Teamwork makes the dream work, baby!" She doesn't find me funny at all. We get a lot done when she is forced to put her phone on the charger on a floor different from the one we are working on. However, asking her to separate herself from her phone is like asking her to amputate a limb. Sigh.
Overall, we have prepared for the holiday to the best of our ability through teamwork and some aggression. Now, it is a waiting game, as in waiting for it to end. For me, the actual holiday will be December 26th. No cooking, no cleaning, no shopping, no wrapping, no stress, just blissfully sleeping in, eating leftovers in a clean house, and not obsessing about anything I forgot to do. On December 26th, I think I will build a fire in the fireplace, make myself a cup of hot cocoa, and read a book. Now, that, dear reader, sounds like my kind of celebration!
On this day before the night before Christmas, stay safe, be smart, look forward to the little things, be as prepared as possible without spoiling the day, and don't obsess about little details; it only steals your joy, it's okay to look forward to the day after Christmas, and keep washing your hands.