The Bibbed Wonder frequently proves that he is not just the eye candy of our business. He has an ingenious idea to create and share recipes using ingredients from our food vendor friends attending our Fall At The Farm event on Saturday, October 19th, from 9 to 1. Of course, my wonder buns featured a burger for the first sharing. I call this recipe The Bibbed Wonder's Smash Burger. The ingredients for The Smash Burger are available from the following: burger: Chaganra Farm, bread: Lone Oak Farm, cheese: Pleasant Lane Farms but purchased at Lone Oak Farm, and The Bibbed Wonder's pasture-raised pigs provide the bacon.
This year, we are featuring more direct-sale farm products. I always encourage you to know your farmer and their practices, so this year, I am trying to provide an opportunity for you to meet the farmers in person at our event. The farm families we have invited are good people I am proud to support, most of whom I consider my friend. These individuals care for their animals with love, compassion, and attentiveness. The manner in which animals are treated is essential to me. Knowing that they lived their best life, were treated with respect and compassion for the duration of their life, and did not face a torturous, long, drawn-out end makes a world of difference to me. The quality of a small farm-raised harvest cannot be compared to anything you purchase at a grocery store. Knowing where the food my family consumes comes from, how it is treated, and how it is processed is priceless.
If you plan to attend our event, and I hope you do, I encourage you to bring a cooler with ice so you can experience the exceptional quality of small family farms' meats, fish, dairy products, and produce. Our friends are happy to share their practices, experience, and their why with anyone interested. They're also great people, so I encourage you to meet and support their small family farms. If we all chose to support local small family farms, we could do away with the cruel practices of massive corporate agri-business, large meat processing plants, and the sub-par products they produce. Know where your food comes from, dear reader.
Chaganra Farm is a small family farm located in Westmoreland County. We met Mike and Jill Little at the Ligonier Country Market and the Murrysville Market. Jill has the most contagious, boisterous laugh. You know how sometimes you meet someone and you immediately click with them? That is how we feel about Mike and Jill. The Littles raise beef and poultry in the hills of Westmoreland County. Mike and Jill provide us with our Thanksgiving turkey each year. There is no comparison between a frozen Butterball from the grocery store and a fresh turkey raised free range on a small farm. The Bibbed Wonder was not a fan of turkey until we experienced one raised by the Littles. Chaganra takes orders for their holiday turkeys in advance, and I would greatly encourage you to taste the difference. You won't be disappointed.
I have written in past blogs about our friends from Lone Oak Farm. I can't say enough good things about the Simpson family. They are the hardest-working, most industrious family I have enjoyed knowing. You can shop at their beautiful farm store throughout the year. However, the Simpsons are gracious enough to support our small farm events each year without fail. You can enjoy everything from fresh whole milk to fresh yogurt, butter, and ice cream from their farm's fresh milk. Lone Oak also offers impressive baked goods made from scratch and fresh in their in-store bakery. The Bean loves the cinnamon rolls from Lone Oak.
Eric drove around yesterday gathering ingredients for my Foodie Friday blog. He returned with fresh ground beef from Chaganra and cheese and bread from Lone Oak Farm. I returned from The Bean's appointment to my bib overall-wearing buddy, who was preparing dinner. The kitchen smelled amazing. There really isn't a set recipe for his Smash Burgers. He cooks a pound of ground beef over low heat and seasons it with salt and pepper. The burger is loose, and he disperses any large chunks. Once the burger is cooked, he adds approximately a cup of cubed cheese from Pleasant Lane Farm. He allows the cheese to melt "low and slow." While the burger is cooking, he fries a pound of bacon to crispness and drains it. After the burger and bacon are cooked, he slices the fresh bread from Lone Oak Farm, butters it on both sides and toasts it on a griddle. He then smashes the burger onto the bread, tops it with bacon, and adds the condiments of choice. I have my smash burger on a single piece of bread because I don't need the extra carbs. The burgers are great served with a simple side salad, and you can find the freshest ingredients from Lone Oak Farm. Jonie grows delicious spinach almost year-round.
I hope you have an opportunity to enjoy The Bibbed Wonder's Smash Burgers. They are simple and delicious, and they are divine when you utilize fresh ingredients from small local farms. If you plan to join us on Saturday, October 19th, from 9 to 1, I encourage you to bring a cooler and experience the wonders of eating fresh and local. On this overcast day, stay safe, be smart, enjoy fresh, local food, and keep washing your hands.