Recently, I spent hours reflecting upon what I am grateful for in this simple little life we have created for ourselves. As I get older, I see more clearly the value in simplicity, the less is more approach, the gift of daily blessings, and the beauty in the small moments. I can honestly say that I want for nothing. When I look at our life, I feel fulfilled and appreciative. How much I have grown and changed over the years does not escape me. The journey has not always been easy. However, I have finally reached a point where I can say I am content, at peace, and happy. Happiness is not a place or destination. Happiness is something internal that must be cultivated and nurtured. Contentedness is shedding false ideas of what one’s life should look like and appreciating who is with you in this moment, where you have landed, and the joy in what you are doing. Gratitude is a crucial factor in both happiness and contentedness.
In my youth, I was unsettled, restless, and searching. I thought I needed grand things to make me feel successful. I believed that overabundance could fulfill what I was intrinsically lacking. If I had the right job, the right house, the right car, the right clothes, and the right degree, I would be happy, successful, and fulfilled. Instead, the burden of overabundance weighed me down. My home was cluttered and disorganized, which I feel reflects my mental state. Rather than feeling like a sanctuary, home felt heavy and overburdened. I believed I needed to continuously keep moving forward, changing homes, changing jobs, and creating new goals. That mindset is filled with traps and error filled potholes.
As I have moved through various stages of life, I have learned to shed those misconceptions about success, wealth, and self-worth. It was not until the last decade that I realized happiness is an internal choice. Making peace with past mistakes and broken relationships is the road to contentedness. Accepting that I will never be perfect or close to perfect has been freeing. Acknowledging that I can do better today than I did yesterday is satisfying. Looking at challenges as an opportunity to grow instead of a problem to be overcome has changed my world. Living in gratitude for the many blessings I experience daily is a game-changer. Realizing that stuff is simply that stuff and breaking the hold possessions have over me has given me a lightheartedness I never knew before. Being appreciative of the good people who make up my circle brings joy to my heart.
I love this simple little life I have created with my husband and daughter. I would have cynically laughed if one had told me that goats, making soap, farm life, and stewardship of treasured land with history and a family of animals would fill me to overflowing. However, I walk in gratitude and appreciation for what we have, what we do, who we do it with, and where we get to make this life I love so well. I see the simple beauty our life provides. I appreciate the lessons I have learned and, even more so, the strength to weather the challenges. There is indeed value in knowing that one can handle hard things, make changes, face difficulties, and be okay in the end. Shedding the shackles of what life is supposed to be, the misconception of beauty and success, and the idea that more is best have freed me to see the true measure of success. Joy in daily life, answered prayers, peace, contentedness, and gratitude for one’s life are the true measure of success. When I look at what we have accomplished, how we have kept it simple, and live in gratitude and appreciation, I feel more successful than when I was striving for a traditionally successful life.
Our life is not for everyone. It is filled with hard work, long hours, heartbreaking scenarios, and tough choices. Our day does not begin at eight and end at five. However, it is filled with moments of sheer joy, wonder, and so much beauty. I am indeed fortunate to be doing what we do with people I love and admire in a place that brings me great peace. The road to reaching this understanding has not always been easy, but every mistake, shortcoming, and realization has made it all worthwhile. I love this simple life. I am grateful you are part of it. My prayer is that everyone, everywhere, gets to this point as well. It’s a good place to be, and I think I will stay here for quite some time.
On this breezy, overcast day, stay safe, be smart, embrace a simple life, and keep washing your hands.