Well, dear reader, I am thrilled to share that I have finally made a successful batch of soap dough. This may not seem like a big deal to many, but it is an achievement for me. I have been dabbling at making soap dough for over a year. I have read articles, watched videos, created lists of do's and don'ts, and experimented with four recipes. At long last, I have made a soap dough that is soft, pliable, not sticky and hardens nicely. I believe this success will take my soap design to a new level.
So, what is soap dough, you may ask? Soap dough is moldable, pliable, clay-like soap. Remember sculpting clay from your childhood? That is soap dough. The dough remains soft and supple as long as it is not exposed to air. However, once exposed to air and allowed to cure, it hardens and retains its shape. Soap dough can be used to create three-dimensional shapes, extruded into embeds and placed inside the soap, or rolled flat and cut into shapes using cookie cutters or presses. The possibilities are endless.
The next question you may ask is, what do I intend to do with soap dough? Thus far, I haven't done anything very creative or exciting. I have made tiny pearls, rolled them in glitter, and called it good. It's been a week, and it's only Wednesday, but that is a story for another day. Sigh. Today, I intend to try my hand at sculpting tiny lilacs for our spring lilac-scented soap. Now, remember, dear reader, this is a learn-as-you-go process, and I make no promises for my success. If I have learned one thing about myself, it is that my expectations and vision far overreach my talent and capabilities. However, always the optimist, I look forward to creating something beautiful with successful results. Please cross your fingers, send out good juju, make a wish on an eyelash, etc., for good results. Don't pray for me. The Universe has far bigger fish to fry than my success with soap dough...insert a wink.
If I am being transparent, I am at a bit of a loss. I have had so many failed attempts that I am unsure what to do with my success. I have to sit down, look at our list of seasonal soaps, and really delve into the design aspect. I will also need a few new tools, but again, I need to assess my needs before I shop. Just know I am excited about the aspect of creating something truly beautiful and unique. I believe, dear reader, the soap dough will take holiday soaps in a new and unique direction. I can't wait.
With that, I am off to the soap studio earlier than usual because I can't wait to get started on the lilac project. On this blistering cold February day, stay safe, be smart, have fun with everything you do, and keep washing your hands.
Fantastic can't wait
I’m excited for you; you underestimate yourself