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First Signs Of Spring

Writer's picture: TinaTina

Little Robin Red Breast Sitting On A Pole. Swishy, Swishy Went His Tail, and PTHBBBBB! Went His Hole—my favorite inappropriate diddy. Insert a wicked grin and a wink.
Little Robin Red Breast Sitting On A Pole. Swishy, Swishy Went His Tail, and PTHBBBBB! Went His Hole—my favorite inappropriate diddy. Insert a wicked grin and a wink.

As I went for my morning walk on Monday, I noticed a few subtle signs that spring is just around the corner. The first thing I noted was the increased bird song. I love to hear the song birds perform their trilling chorus first thing in the morning. It is music to my ears, and I enjoy it immensely. I told The Bibbed Wonder I would enjoy climbing atop the round hay bales in the field, lying on my back, and listening to the birds sing. He suggested I wait for dryer weather.

As I rounded the last corner of my jaunt around the field, I saw a large flock of robins enjoying a buffet of fishing worms in the pasture field. Each year, the appearance of robins, the official herald of spring, brings me great joy. I happily announced that I saw my first robin, which also made The Bibbed Wonder smile. It's nice to welcome our wild friends back to the farm.

Another sign that spring is near is that my chickens are beginning to lay more eggs. My little backyard flock produces almost a dozen eggs daily, and I give them to anyone who will take them. My friend Janet refers to me as the local egg dealer. She even gifted me a funny hand towel with a shady-looking lady wearing a coat lined with eggs. Every time I look at it, it makes me smile. I am considering hanging a shingle advertising fresh eggs at the end of my lane. We don't get much traffic on the road, so this might be futile.

My goat girls are beginning to show signs of advanced pregnancy. They have adorable baby bumps and are starting to waddle when they walk. As always, I am excited about baby season. We will have a few first-time mothers this year. First-time mothers always worry me. One never knows if they will have an easy delivery, be good mothers, and produce enough milk for their little ones. Baby season is exciting, but it is filled with stress and anxiety.

Indeed, spring is near. However, the last official sign of spring, which I greatly anticipate, is the song of the peeper frogs. My grandma always said it isn't officially spring until you hear the song of the peeper frogs for three days in a row. We have not heard a peep from the peepers. However, next week, the high temperatures are in the mid-sixties. I anticipate hearing my little frog friends very soon. Sitting on the front porch, drinking coffee, and listening to the peepers is one of my favorite ways to spend an evening. With two ponds not far from the house, the sound of the peepers is almost deafening. I love it! One thing I always found sad was that my dad had damaged his hearing with a lifetime of running big equipment without wearing ear protection. As he got older, he lost the ability to hear certain pitches. The peeper's song was one of the pitches he could no longer hear. I would share with him that the peepers were singing, but he would shake his head and tell me he couldn't hear them at all. What a shame to be deprived of such a lovely sound. I hope I never lose the ability to hear the peepers sing.

On this chilly March day, stay safe, be smart, enjoy the sounds of spring, look for robins and spring flowers, and listen for the peepers. Oh, of course, keep washing your hands.


1 Comment

3 hours ago

Oh Tina, you sound just like me! I have noticed the buds on the trees are starting to swell, and days are getting longer! Spring ahead this weekend! I had some robins in my yard a few days ago and they also make me smile🤗 Spring was my dad's favorite season and I inherited that from him. Summer is nice, autumn beautiful with its colors and I can see the stark beauty of winter, BUT spring. It fills my soul. Have a great day!


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