Today, dear reader, I am sharing a recipe from my childhood. When I was a kid, Jell-o salads and desserts were staples of our family gatherings and holiday meals. Although I was never a fan of finger Jell-o or Jell-o Jigglers, as they are now called, I do love a good Jell-o salad or dessert. With the warmer weather, my craving for familiar Jell-o recipes has been ignited. As a child, the main dessert for our Easter dinner was a unique but delicious Jell-o dessert. The dessert included whole graham crackers, butter, walnuts, crushed pineapple, and cherry or strawberry Jell-0. Although it is an odd combination, it is delicious and nostalgic.
I don't remember where my mom found this recipe or from whom she could have found it, but this Jell-o dessert was part of our Easter celebrations for as long as I can remember. My entire family enjoyed it and looked forward to it at the end of the meal. My dad, who could be somewhat picky, ate this dessert with relish. I am unsure what brought up the memory of this recipe or my craving for it, but I have been craving it for a few weeks.
With my family situation, calling my mom for the recipe is not an option. However, my sister and nephew were gracious enough to forward me the recipe and remind me it is in a small family cookbook my sister created for a family reunion. Before reaching out to my sister and nephew, I searched the internet for this recipe and found no results. It simply does not exist online, which I find odd. Perhaps this recipe is unique to our family and is some obscure creation someone concocted in the late 70s or early 80s. Maybe I am just showing my age by looking for a Jell-o recipe in 2025. Does anyone eat Jell-o anymore? Hmmmm...
Anyhow, yesterday, I made this dish for our after-dinner dessert. I am embarrassed to admit I ate two sections of it throughout the day. It tasted like I remember and made me think of Easter celebrations when I was a kid, when the world seemed safe and bright, and my family was intact. It made me sadly happy if that makes any sense. If you try it, I hope you and your family enjoy it.
Jell-O Dessert
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
2 small boxes or 1 large box of cherry or strawberry Jell-o ( I prefer strawberry)
24 graham crackers
Make the Jell-0 following the package directions and allow it to partly set up in the refrigerator. Cream together the sugar and butter. Add the chopped walnuts and drained pineapple; blend thoroughly. Place twelve graham crackers on the bottom of a 9 x 13 baking dish. Spread the pineapple mixture over the graham crackers, then place 12 more graham crackers on top. Pour the partly set up Jell-o on top of the top layer of graham crackers. Place in the refrigerator and allow to completely set up before serving; allow at least two hours. Top with whipped cream, and enjoy.
It sounds like an odd blend of butter, sugar, nuts, and pineapple, but trust me, it is delicious. I have no idea if it has a different name or if it is an obscure recipe only my family enjoys. However, it reminds me of spring, childhood, happier times, and good memories. On this chilly spring day, stay safe, be smart, enjoy food that makes you remember better days, and keep washing your hands.
Never heard of this before, but definitely have to try it, thanks!