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Writer's pictureTina

We Can Do Better

Reflecting on the weekend's events, I know we can do better—as a community, a society, and a country. This hatred, disrespect, and disdain for those with opposing views that has spread throughout our communities and taken over our country is shameful. I have said before that the glory and beauty of America is that we have the freedom to disagree. What a boring world it would be if everyone thought the same thoughts, shared the same ideals, and embraced the same values. We would never grow, see the beauty of new ideas, or create new inventions if we weren't challenged. Art, literature, and music would not exist without freedom of thought. Problems would not be solved, innovation would cease, and we would come to a standstill as a society.

Our founding fathers built this country on the ideals of those who suffered oppression and lacked freedom of thought, expression, speech, and religion. They desired to create a land free of tyranny and oppression. As the stewards of this land, we cannot lose those ideals and values by getting caught up in angry rhetoric, narrow-minded agendas, and blaming the opposition. We certainly can't resort to violence to oppress those who oppose us. It is beyond archaic to believe that if someone does not share our thoughts, morals, and values, then they must be silenced with violence.

What have we regressed to thinking that destroying those who disagree with us is acceptable? If I am being transparent, there is no single party I affiliate with and believe has the best interest of all Americans at heart. A perfect party will never be created because we are a country built on diversity. We are one big melting pot of beautiful differences, backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, morals, and values. Over the decades, we have adopted and adapted what is now the gorgeous fabric of our country. Is it a perfect tapestry? No. Are there flaws, holes, and areas of discord? Absolutely. However, those are as much a part of our history as the victories and triumphs. We cannot allow such a beautiful tapestry to be destroyed.

I may be simple-minded, but I cannot fathom hating an individual whom I don't know personally enough to destroy them. These candidates embody an idea. They personify a party's ideals. I don't believe either candidate can be anything like what they portray to the public—at least, I hope not. They are figureheads and nothing more. Taking down an individual is not going to stop the political machine. Wounding and killing innocent bystanders is not going to eradicate the opposition. It merely leaves a wife without a spouse, children without a father, and parents without a child. Nothing has been accomplished but the destruction of innocent lives. The large political (broken) machine will continue to grind on, and a new figurehead will replace the one destroyed.

However, I remain hopeful that we can do better. I believe that we can exercise our freedoms and think as individuals. I hope that common sense will reign. If left to their own devices, individuals will choose right over wrong. Of course, checks and balances need to be in place. Individuals need to be held accountable for their actions. The balance in our country needs to be restored. Perhaps the one glimmer of hope in this deplorable situation is that the balance will be reset. Everyone can step back and realize that what has happened is not serving us as a country. We don't need outside enemies to destroy us; we are doing a bang-up job on our own. Perhaps, just perhaps, dear reader, this will be a siren to restore the balance. Once again, we can respectfully disagree and engage in authentic communication, and the people will truly be represented in both parties.

I hope we will do better. We will look to the past for inspiration, respect the foundation our founding fathers laid, and pass on a legacy to future generations. A legacy we can be proud of and one that will add another layer of beauty to this lovely and diverse tapestry we call America. Stay safe, be smart, do better, let common sense reign, and keep washing your hands on this beautiful summer day. Seriously, I feel my closing has never been more relevant.

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Jul 17, 2024

This is 1 of your best blogs ever!

Jul 19, 2024
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Thanks, Lisa. I appreciate your kind words. Hopefully, we will all do better.❤️

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